Stanislav Doubrava, born 1952, worked with Divadlo Drak (Theatre Drak) and Josef Krofta from 1973 to 1982. This same year (1982) he graduated from the AMU – Akademie Múzických Umění (Academy of Performing Arts) in Prague. He has served as director of several Czech theatres and festivals, including the Mezinárodní Festival Divadlo Plzeň (Plzeň International Theatre Festival) and Mateřinka Festival, which he has directed since 1991. He has been a UNIMA councillor since 1996, President of the International Festivals Commission (2000-2008), a member of the Executive Committee (2000-2008) and Vice-President of UNIMA International (2004-2008). Since 2016, he is President of UNIMA International’s Statutes Commission.