Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


We are glad to announce the participants of the “UNIMA: Youth In Progress” international residence!

The first UNIMA’s residence for young puppeteers is hosted by the International Puppet Festival “Ryazanskie Smotriny” in Ryazan, Russia, in September 6-19. This project is a result of collaboration between the Festival, UNIMA Youth Commission and UNIMA Russia.  

We received many interesting and extraordinary applications, that is why it was a hard task to choose only 9 participants:

  • Asanda Rilityana, South Africa
  • Claudia Gomes, Portugal
  • Eden Harbud, UK
  • Ekaterina Filippova, Russia
  • Gustavo Campos Lages, Brasil
  • Hojjat Zeinali, Iran
  • Nozomi Nagai, Japan
  • Peter Davidson, Australia
  • Valerie Meiss, USA

Follow the news about the YIP 2019 on the official page of the Youth Commission on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/unimayc/