There will be a pilot meeting of a new puppetry and object theatre research working group affiliated to the UNIMA Research Commission. This will be held within the IFTR conference tuesday 11th july at the University of Sao Paulo – 2 to 4pm. For more information please email
The Broken Puppet:a symposium on puppetry, disability and health: this symposium will take place on 1st and 2nd August 2017 at the University of Cork, Ireland. Keynote speakers will be Dr Persephone Sextou and Dr Melissa Trimingham. The programme will be posted on the Research Commission webpage shortly. There will be a publication of selected papers from the conference.
For symposium enquiries and timetable, etc, please email Emma Fisher:
Call for Papers: Puppetry and Multimedia: See below a call for papers for a symposium in October on multimedia and puppetry in Bratislava, Slovakia. The deadline for proposals is 17th July 2017. There will be a publication arising from this conference.
For all enquiries related to this symposium, please email
Download the call for papers