Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


The Education, Development and Therapy Commission in cooperation with the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek has just published a new book: Applied Puppetry in Education, Development, and Therapy: Theory and Practice. It is an open access e-book and can be downloaded for free.

Here is the link:

The book presents different and new approaches to the use of puppets in up-bringing, education, social work and therapy. It is a significant contribution to the study of applied puppetry, of a research and theoretical nature, with a firm basis in practice. It includes the previously unpublished results of scientific research and case studies. It is aimed at students and teaching staff at humanities and teaching faculties, art academies and medical faculties; scientists and practitioners of applied theatre and puppetry (drama educators, teachers, pre-school teachers, psychologists, social workers and therapists).

Authors : Matt Smith, Livija Kroflin, Juliet Lockhart, Michael J. Vetere III – Mary T. Vetere, Matteo Corbucci, Meg Amsden, Larisa Telnova, Marialena Tsiamoura, Åsa Viklund, Eleanor C. Irwin, Karrie Marshall, Svetlana Smirnova, Antje Wegener, Andrea Markovits, Tatiana Pushkareva – Darya Agaltsova, Roberto Ferreira da Silva – Aparecida Oliveira da Silva – Ana Paula da Silva Freitas.