Droomtheater in collaboration with NVP-UNIMA Netherlands will organize a Masterclass Modern Shadow Theater from 4 – 8 June 2018 in Rotterdam. The Masterclass professor is Italian modern shadow theater player and director Fabrizio Montecchi from Teatro Gioco Vita from Piacenza.
Modern shadow theater is characterized by the release of the almost fixed connection between screen, light source, shadow object and shadow of the traditional shadow play.
In the Masterclass various light sources, shadow projections in front of and behind different screens and practical examples are reviewed.
Masterclass Modern Shadowtheatre by Fabrizio Montecchi
Summer Seminar Modern Shadow Theater:
4 – 8 June 2018, daily 9 – 17.30 hour, lunch break 12.30 – 13.30 hr.
Presentation: Friday evening 8 June 2018 at 7 pm (19.00 hour)
Location: Made in 4Havens, Keilestraat 9, unit A, 3029BP Rotterdam.
Costs of the 5-day workshop: € 350.00 for members UNIMA and € 425.00 for non-members
Information and registration with motivation letter to Joanne Oussoren: droomtheater@online.nl or Frans Hakkemars: franshakkemars@hetnet.nl
Organisation www.droomtheater.com
Read more on www.teatrogiocovita.it