Recruitment for its National School of Puppetry Arts (ESNAM)
Full-time month permanent contract. Starting as soon as possible from June 1, 2021.
Application letter accompanied by a CV to be sent before May 15, 2021.
The International Puppetry Institute (IIM) located in Charleville-Mézières (08), develops initial training activities through the National School of Puppetry Arts (ESNAM), as well as continuing professional training courses. The Institute manages a Documentation and Collections Center and a Research and Innovation Center on the arts of puppetry, organizes international professional meetings, receptions in creative residences, exhibitions.
ESNAM awards a DNSP in Comedian, a puppeteer actor specialty, and a Performing Arts License with a puppet arts option in conjunction with the UPJV of Amiens. The Institute is a signatory of the Erasmus + charter.
Conditions of employment and remuneration: CDI, executive status, remuneration according to CCNEAC, group 4
Place of residence: Charleville-Mézières.
Starting up: as soon as possible from June 1, 2021.
Application letter accompanied by a CV to be sent by post and email before 05/15/2021 to:
Mister President
International Puppetry Institute
7 Winston Churchill Square
08000 Charleville-Mézières
Phone. : 03 24 33 72 50