Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


The UNIMA Research Commission would like to let you know about the publication of the online journal Critical Stages Issue 19: The Art Form of Contemporary Puppetry.

This journal was developed from a symposium held in Stockholm in August 2018, organised by the Europe Commission in collaboration with the Research Commission: The World in Europe: puppets and migration. Several UNIMA members contributed to the special issue and it was edited by Research Commission member Margareta Sorensen. The journal can be read here: http://www.critical-stages.org/19/special-topic/

A symposium on Tradition in Puppetry was held in Nanchong, China, in November 2018 and there will be a publication arising from this.

A further symposium developing research into tradition and innovation is to be held as part of the Quanzhou puppetry festival in China in November 2019. The title of this will be: Revisioning tradition: old forms, new expression. The RC has collaborated with the Asia-Pacific Commission and the Heritage Commission on the development of the symposia on tradition.


Photos of the presentation of the publication Marionnettes et pouvoir, of the IIM.