Muñecoterapia Chile invites applicants to the 6th edition of its International Online Diploma in Puppet Therapy.
Call and organisation: Muñecoterapia Chile & Puppets in Transit
Sponsor: UNIMA Education, Development and Therapy Commission
This Online Diploma is designed and focused on the use of puppets and objects in the expressive and therapeutic dimension; to rescue memory and learnt hopelessness. The Puppet Therapy Diploma invites you to be part of a journey where creativity, research, studies, and the exchanging of experiences between students and teachers from different fields and places around the globe, are combined.
✔Theory, practice and research on the therapeutic potential of puppets and animated forms.
✔An extensive and current bibliography.
✔5 international seminars with experts.
✔Support for 8 creative explorations.
✔A puppet construction workshop.
✔Guidance and mentoring for the design and writing of a puppet therapy group intervention model.
✔Advice on the creation of a therapeutic micro-theatre piece with puppets and objects.
12 Online sessions conducted via Zoom
Classes are on Thursdays, from 10 AM to 2 PM – Spanish time.
Class Schedule:
February 2nd, 9th, 16th
March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 30th
April 6th, 13th, 20th
May 4th, 11th
SEMINARS: In addition to the classes, this edition of the programme includes the following seminars.
– Pamela Aedo (Chile). From the Transitional Object to the Intermediary Object: concept, history and application.
– Matthew Bernier (United States). The psychological functions of puppets and puppetry.
– Cariad Astles (United Kingdom). Puppetry within applied theatre.
– Raven Kaliana (United Kingdom). Puppetry as Public Testimony for Social Change.
– Noemí Grinspun (Israel). Dialogues between Puppets and Neuroscience.
Applicants’ form link
Director: Andrea Markovits
For more information and course fee:
ig: @munecoterapia
Will the course require fluency in Spanish?
Probably not as it’s advertised in the first line as being in English.
Bonjour, je souhaiterais suivre cette formation. Cependant je ne parle pas couramment anglais. Y aura t il un traducteur français ? J aimerais tellement pouvoir la suivre.
buenos dias, puedo saber el precio de esta actividad.Muchas gracias