Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Muñecoterapia Chile is calling all the applicants for the eighth version of its International Online Diploma in Puppet Therapy.

This online diploma is designed and focused on the use of puppets and objects in their expressive and therapeutic dimension; to the rescue of memory and learnt hopelessness.

During these current times, of global pandemic and confinement, the Puppet Therapy Diploma invites you to be part of a journey where creativity, research, studies and the interchange of experiences among students and professors – from different fields and places around the globe – are combined. 

International Diploma in Puppet Therapy 2021
Eighth version

From March 27th to July 3rd
13 Online sessions conducted via Zoom 

Webinars by:

  • Cariad Astles (UK)
  • Corina Duyn (Ireland)
  • Eva Marxen (USA)
  • Raven Kaliana (UK)
  • Noemi Grinspun (CHILE)

Applicants´ form link

Call and organize: Muñecoterapia Chile & Puppets in Transit
Sponsored by the UNIMA Education, Development and Therapy Commission

Coordinates: Andrea Markovits 

More Info: munecoterapiachile@gmail.com
Web: www.munecoterapia.cl
ig: @munecoterapia
