Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


The Commission for Latin America announces the names of the selected artists for the Scholarships, for the courses programed by the companies Caixa do Elefante and Cia Lumbra, in January 2015:
Desdobramentos do Corpo, January 5th to 11th, 2015
– Joana Vieira Viana – Brazil
– Jândi Caetano De Matos – Uruguay
Territorios Desconhecidos, January 24th to 30th, 2015
– Maria Noel Alpuin Cabrera – Uruguay
– Ernesto Joaquin Franco Rodriguez – Uruguay
The artists were selected following their curricula, by commission formed by Caixa do Elefante Teatro de Bonecos, Cia Teatro Lumbra/Clube da Sombra and the Commission for Latin America.
We thank the participation of all.
Susanita Freire