Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Centro del Títere in Spain offers a 60-hour course on giant puppets in February. This is an intensive training course for adults, open to anyone interested, in which participants will make a giant puppet 3 meters high with direct manipulation of rods, which they will carry on their shoulders thanks to a self-tailored lightweight aluminium structure.

The puppets made will be inspired by the great traditional puppetry techniques of the world: Japanese bunraku, Sicilian pupi, Indonesian wayang golek and glove puppet among others. Participants will design and make the puppet’s costumes and learn how to manipulate the puppets built in learn how to manipulate the puppets built in the workshop with animation and movement sessions animation and movement sessions given by renowned professionals in the sector. In addition, the puppets will be staged for the final performance in the great carnival parade in Madrid with real audience.

This training is a deep and complete course that includes the whole process of creating a puppet, the practical notions to bring it to life and the essential meeting with the audience. An opportunity to deepen in the puppetry work with a 360 experience.


Giant puppets course
Where: Centro del Títere (Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain)
When: from February 3rd to 26th (Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:30
am to 3 pm)
Duration: 60 hours
Price: 380 € all materials included (discounts to UNIMA members applied)
Registration at contacto@centrodeltitere.com

Complete program and registration