Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


This year is the year! From 8 – 12 June 2022 the international production centre for figure theatre Westflügel Leipzig will host FIGURE IT OUT – an international meeting for figure theatre plus showcase with more than 15 productions for an international audience. We cordially invite you to this event and are very pleased to present our program already today:

FIGURE IT OUT shows a variety of different productions from Germany, Austria, Israel, France and Poland, accompanied by an enriching exchange of experts with diverse discussion formats including expert discussions, artist talks and an exploration tour through Leipzig. The main topics will be the possibilities, problems and opportunities of curating today, new barriers in Europe triggered by developments such as Brexit, rising nationalism and a shift to the right, and current needs and potentials of international networking and cooperation.

Among others, the following pieces will be shown as part of FIGURE IT OUT:

Christoph Bochdansky [AT]: My Psychedelic Diary
Florian Feisel [GER]: Plastika
flunker produktionen [GER]: Time, oh callboy of eternity / Cowpats and Pipedreams / The Office of Compliments
Golden Delicious [ISR/FR]: Dust
Grupa Coincidentia [PL]: Straszka pospolita
Jan Jedenak [GER]: Mandragora / /SÉANCE/
Lehmann and Wenzel [GER]: The Fatal Marksman
Li Kemme [GER]: Echo of an End
Ari Teperberg [ISR]: And My Heart Almost Stood Still
Wilde & Vogel [GER]: The Flowers Of Evil / Micro / Dust
Inbal Yomtovian [ISR/FR]: The Kiss

The full program as well as information about the productions and discussions can be found on our website:

You want to come to Leipzig? For further planning, we kindly ask you to register for participation in FIGURE IT OUT via the Google form below by 15/4/2022 at the latest.
Do you need organisational or financial support for your visit? For help with participation, travel and accommodation costs, we need feedback no later than 31/3/2022 via the same Google form.
REGISTRATION: https://forms.gle/vioRf8Wd5tZ5nmw3A

For further questions, topic suggestions, discussion ideas and the like, the organising team Jessica Hölzl and Julia Lehmann are happy to help via projekt@westfluegel.de.

We are looking forward to FIGURE IT OUT together in Leipzig!
Best regards in the name of the whole team,
Westflügel Leipzig