Date / Hour
01/08/2017 - 02/08/2017
All day
University College Cork
The UNIMA Research Commission in collaboration with Cork Puppetry Festival, University College Cork, and Mary Immaculate College, are proposing a two-day symposium exploring the ways puppetry intersects with disability and health. We invite academics and practice-based researchers to propose papers, provocations, and particularly discussions about or presentations of practice-based research.
Tuesday August 1st 2017
- 12.30 Registration
- 1.15 Welcome and introduction (Cariad Astles)
- 1.35 Keynote: Dr Melissa Trimingham: Puppetry and autism
- 2.25 Moira Jenkins: Puppetry as a human right: relational citizenship
- 2.50 Andrea Markovits: Puppet therapy and traumatic memory in Chile post-dictatorship
- 3.10 coffee
- 3.30 Yasuko Senda: Heart-warming Smile Puppet Association
- 3.55 Oscar Goldszmidt: Social inclusion through puppetry: a case study with cerebral palsy
- 4.20 Caroline Astell-Burt: Closeness, touching and kinaesthesia
- 4.45 Antje Wegener: Therapeutic puppetry in Germany
- 5.05 Questions and discussion
Wednesday August 2nd
- 9.00 Registration
- 9.30 Keynote: Dr Persephone Sextou: Puppetry in hospitals, clinics and healthcare settings
Disability panel
- 10.35 Emma Fisher: The Broken Puppet: puppetry and disability
- 11.00 Corina Duyn: Life outside the box: puppetry, ME and disability
- 11.25 Roberto Ferreira De Silva: puppetry with disabled participants
- 11.45 Questions and discussion
Hospitals and care settings panel
- 1.10 Riku Laakkonen: Performing objects in palliative care
- 1.35 Matt Jennings: Acts of caring: puppetry in person-centred nursing
- 2 Gibdel Wilson: Puppets talk, communities listen
- 2.25 Poupak Azimpour: Listener dolls: a case study of women recovering from cancer
- 2.45 Questions and discussion
- 3.05 coffee
Mental health panel
- 3.25 Marisa Latimer: Shadow puppetry and dramatherapy
- 3.50 Kate James-Moore: Puppetry as a creative tool: struggle, control, power
- 4.15 Joni-Rae Carrack: Objective and Subjective: puppetry and mental health
- 4.40 Aaron Jean Crombé: Self-acceptance and puppetry
- 5.05 Lesley Burton: final reflections
- 5.30 Questions and discussion
Hola , mi nombre es Roxana Tapia, soy titiritera y me gustaría tener información en castellano sobre el trabajo de Korina Duyn ,salir de la caja y también sobre la ponencia de Aa Nerea Markovits. Es imposible obtenerlo en Castellano. Muchas gracias