Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


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Date / Hour
24/04/2018 - 29/04/2018
All day



A puppet celebration with free rein to imagination! The magic of Caribbean culture will be good for banishing the number 13´s bad reputation, because it will be just the 13th Cuban Puppet Workshop in 2018.

It is dedicated to Caribbean puppet theater, to the sister island of Puerto Rico and to Fidel Galván Theater, a Cuban puppet theater from Remedios. One more time the festival is calling all those interested, the professional companies and the puppet world personalities, who want to visit us to see a party of colors and affection that is more than twenty years.

National and international shows will take place and at the same time there will be workshops, courses, publications, movies, concerts and lectures.

titeres@atenas.cult.cu | lasestaciones94@gmail.com