Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


Since 2012, the Research and Documentation Centre of the Institut International de la Marionnette has implemented some tools designed to encourage research on puppetry and object theatre whatever the discipline may be: performing arts, anthropology, archeology, history, literature, visual arts, new technologies, philosophy, psychoanalysis and therapies, economics, physics, chemistry, etc.

One of these tools aims to develop a directory networking the interested research stakeholders.

A typology has been defined, in cooperation with the UNIMA Research commission, for whom we ensure the update of information and the setting up of a database. By “researchers” we refer to: the persons carrying out research activities in the academic sphere or within the framework of research agencies (Academic researcher), practitioners conducting research1 (Artistic researcher), resource person: collectors, artists’ assigns, journalists, carrying out research as a keen amateur (Resource person).

Please find enclosed a survey, that you are pleased to send us back before 30th June 2017.

Download the survey