Opening of FIDENA 2024 with a parade through the city and opening performance: 07.05.2024
FIDENA: 07.05.2024 -15.05.2024
International Symposium: 09.05. & 10.05.2024
Jahrhunderthalle Bochum, Germany
During FlDENA, the Deutsches Forum fiir Figurentheater und Puppenspielkunst invites you to an international symposium with the theme “CHANGE – INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS IN TIMES OF TRANSFORMATION”.
Festival makers are entrusted with great responsibility in various ways: in curating programmes, they create (political) offers of meaning for their audiences and thus influence discourses. The compilation of content is never neutral, because with every choice – be it a theme, certain artists or aesthetics – exclusions inevitably go hand in hand. We would like to discuss the challenges of curating and organising theatre festivals together and initiate a conscious and self-critical questioning of our own practice.
Which perspectives and artistic signatures have been underrepresented so far? How can more inclusion succeed and be produced more sustainably? How can codes of sexism, racism and classism be exposed? How can colonial traces be uncovered and power structures questioned? And how can a white gaze be unlearned?
With the rise of right-wing tendencies, the tightening of asylum laws, climate change and war, theatre festivals are faced with a particularly important task: bringing people together so that an intercultural exchange can take place that addresses and reflects on grievances. It is about questions of alliances and how solidarity-artistic insights can be transformed into everyday life.
New approaches can be discovered in lectures, discussion rounds and best practice examples from the fields of science, activism and performing arts. In addition, creative encounter formats and workshops deepen networking and the shared experience of performances. Thus, the symposium offers an intensive opportunity for international networking.
There are about 40 seats available. The working language is English.
Registration for the international symposium includes lunch and dinner for both days, five performances of your own choice as well as moderated programme items in the form of discussion, lecture or best practice example, working materials, a documentation of the symposium and (at least) one networking party.
The cost for an Early Bird ticket is 160€ per person (registration until 15.02.2024). Tickets in the period thereafter cost 200€ per person. The registration deadline is 01.04.2024.
Registration is by email at symposium(a)fidena.de. After registration you will receive a confirmation email and further details.
There are hotels within walking distance of the Jahrhunderthalle where the one can reserve rooms on request.
GHotel (Single room including breakfast: aprox. 110€)
B&B (Single room including breakfast: approx. 90€)
Kolpinghaus (Single room without breakfast: approx. 55€)
The costs for accommodation are to be borne by the applicant.
If a visa is required for participation, we will be happy to send an Official Invitation.
If you need information or assistance on accessibility in advance, please also contact us at symposium(a)fidena.de. We will be happy to help!
The following plays have been requested for FlDENA 2024:
For adults (not confirmed!):
- Kid Koala (CA): Storyville Mosquito
- Abishek Thapar (IN/NL): Lacuna Kitchen
- KMZ-Kollektiv (DE/MX/CU): Fünf Exponate
- Agnés Limbos (BE): Die Briefe meines Vaters
- Gertrudes ielas teatris (EE): Wood Path
- Frau Trapp (ES): Five Lines
- Philippe Quesne (FR): Farm Fatale
- Theatre Gudule (FR): Santa Pulcinella
- Blick Theatre (FR): Tumulte
- Bellova-lacobelli (FR): LOCO
- Mihal Svironi (IL): Carte Blanche
- Blind Summit (GB): The Table
- Lukas Schneider (DE): Scaena Corpus
- Ariel Doron (DE/IL): Mitzi’s Mensch: An Experiment gone wrong
For children (not confirmed!):
- Julika Mayer & Karoline Hoffmann (DE): DING.
- Abdul Hag Haqjoo (AF/FR): Hassan im Glück
- Konstantin Grosman (UA/DE): Fäustling
- Theater Zitadelle (DE): Die gestiefelte Katze
- … and more
The international symposium takes place in cooperation with the Festival Commission of the Union Internationale de la Marionnette. It is supported by the Kunststiftung NRW.
Desde Uruguay, muy buenos días!
Muy interesada en concurrir.
Se debe ser socii de UNIMA ?
Muchas gracias!!