Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

News from UNIMA: Take part / join / support UNIMA

I would like to provide financial support to UNIMA

- 7/02/2023

For sponsorship proposals, we invite you to contact the Secretariat of UNIMA International. To help sustain our National Centres, you may consider donating to UNIMA’s Solidarity Fund. Donations may be transferred through bank transfer or Paypal. Please indicate “Solidarity Fund” when doing so: Account name: UNIMA UNION INTERN MARIONNETTE IBAN: FR76 3000 4008 7100 0100 […]

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How can I join UNIMA?

- 27/10/2022

You may apply for membership at the national centre of your country. For a list of national centres, click here. If a National Centre is not available to you, you may write to the General Secretary to seek direct membership.

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I would like to suggest a project to UNIMA

- 9/12/2016

In priority, UNIMA manages the projects of its Commissions. Some external projects linked to the objectives of UNIMA could be the object of a partnership. For all propositions, we invite you to contact the UNIMA General Secretary.

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