Registration for the second edition of the course ANIMATERIA 2020 will be opened from 4 to 22 November 2019.
ANIMATERIA is a specialised training course for promoting and stimulating the practice of contemporary puppet theatre in all its forms particularly, but not exclusively, amongst young and up-and-coming artists, to awaken interest in its extraordinary possibilities for scenic and dramaturgical experimentation
The course, co-financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region and the European Social Fund, is organized by Teatro Gioco Vita, Teatro delle Briciole, Teatro del Drago, and will be held in Italy, between Parma, Piacenza and Ravenna, from January to October 2020.
ANIMATERIA is completely free and is open to people, Italians or foreigners, residing or domiciled in Emilia Romagna that have completed compulsory education and are interested in developing and enriching their skills with the techniques and practices of contemporary puppet theatre.
Send your application by completing the ANIMATERIA form, attach a CV with a photo and a motivation letter. The applications are to be sent via email to and must reach us no later than 22 November 2019 and also by post to: Teatro Gioco Vita, Via San Siro 7, 29121, Piacenza.
The selection interviews will take place in Piacenza between 11 and 13 December 2019. The Course begins on Monday 20 January 2020.