Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


In 2019, it will take place the second edition of MIMMOS, an international festival dedicated to puppets, masks and animated objects, to be held in Agualva-Cacém, near Sintra, Portugal and organized by Valdevinos (Cultural Organization), organizer of the 1st edition of MIMMOS – Mostra de Teatro de Marionetas, Máscaras e Objetos de Sintra (Sintra Festival with puppets, masks and objects).

The Festival program includes theater shows, street animation, workshops and exhibitions, to be presented in several locations in Agualva Mira Sintra, giving privilege to the open air presentations, contributing to a better experience of our streets and green spaces and with the mission to deliver culture to our local communities and audiences which are in need of more cultural activities.

In spite of being a second edition, it is the first time we open for applications, in order to give an opportunity to more artists and raise the diversity in our festival.

We welcome projects that include workshops and community engagement.

MIMMOS will pay for meals, accomodation travel and transport costs to and from Lisbon. We have a budget for fees and will select projects accordingly. We give privilege to outdoor productions.

More information:: http://www.mimmos.pt