Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO

Directory Sheet

Last updated: 16-11-2021

Olivia Karaolis (Dr.)

Olivia Karaolis (Dr.)

My work starts with the child, them moves to the puppet. It is about observing very carefully and seeing the interactions that take place between the child, other children and the puppet. Communication and relationships develop from these exchanges, the adults see the child differently and new habits of learning begin as the classroom culture changes.

Work areas: Cadre éducatif, Cadre thérapeutique, Travail social/développemental

Target: Educators wishing to expand and develop their pedagogy to be inclusive and caring. The intentions of my research and work is to support teachers, at all levels of education create engaging and loving places of learning and change the perception of children and young people with disabilities.

Languages spoken: Anglais
