Moreno Pigoni
We have a start up society linked with the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, we also work at the Faculty of education in Madrid Complutense university. Our aim is to prepare professional which can work in education and social field as well as hospitals and communities. Actually we are finishing the first year of a specialization course named "puppetry in education, social and medical" at Unimore University. We also are a professional puppet company dedicated to preserve and innovate Commedia dell’Arte. We organize festivals and we promote puppet theater in Emilia Romagna region of Italy.
Work areas: Cadre éducatif, Travail social/développemental, Recherche
Target: Teachers, students in psychology and education. Social worker. People interested in use of puppetry in education, social and medical. We work especially with teachers of primary schools and professionals of social organizations. We got an activity at Modena hospital in which we are making a puppet lab for children hospitalized.
Languages spoken: Anglais, Espagnol, Italien