By Our Hands We make Our Way
"We work with people to creatively explore emotions, life experience, joy and grief, through puppetry, animation, play, story, wood, fabric, paint... Together we build an improvised structure, an unruly space where folk can forget failure and find thier joy. Engaging with the world in direct, tactile ways, that create meaning out of experience, through the imagination and the hands feels like an essential human activity: Though one that is often marginalised. Our work seeks to embed art making in daily living."
Geographical area of work: Nottingham UK
Work areas: Cadre éducatif, Cadre thérapeutique, Travail social/développemental
Target: Our target audience is everyone including us. Over the past 15 we have worked with, and made work for people from all walks of life: Refugees & asylum seekers, autistic folk, people with dementia, school children, excluded pupils, young people in the care system, adults and children with mental health experience & physical disability, bereaved families, festival goers, babies, prisoners...
Languages spoken: Anglais