Union Internationale de la Marionnette

Non-Governmental Organization affiliated to UNESCO


By creating, in 2021, an International Prize for Initiative in the field of puppetry, the Member Cities of the AVIAMA wanted to reward on an international scale those who, through innovative action, contribute to highlighting the puppetry arts, to defending their development and to encouraging their recognition by a wide audience. Every second year, it is awarded to a town or local government, and the following year (odd-numbered years) to an individual (amateur, artist, etc.), an association, a company, etc. This year, the AVIAMA International Prize for the 2024 Initiative is awarded to a structure that is administratively and financially under the authority of a local government, whose commitment to puppet theatre helps to advance recognition of this discipline and to share with as many people as possible this art form that unites all the members of AVIAMA.

Winner 2024: TOPIC (Tolosa Puppet International Center) in TOLOSA (SPAIN) 

Since its inauguration in 2009, TOPIC has established itself as an innovative centre with a multi-purpose infrastructure: it is both a Museum and a permanent Theatre, and welcomes students and researchers to its Documentation Centre. The Centre also carries out extensive arts education work with a wide range of groups (schools, special education, families….). Finally, the Centre develops residencies for creators throughout the year. TOPIC also organises the TITIRIJAI International Festival, in addition to its extensive puppet theatre programme throughout the year. It also runs the TITERESCENA programme for schools and families, with regular workshops for children and families from Tolosa, Gipuzkoa, Euskadi and all over Spain. TOPIC also hosts professional meetings and training courses for puppeteers and other performing artists. It regularly organises international meetings between puppeteers and creators from all over the world.

International recognition

This Prize takes the form of a Trophy, created in 2022 by a Canadian puppeteer-artist from Saguenay (Quebec).
Distributed by AVIAMA through its network of 19 cities on 4 continents, this Prize is a lever for the winners, giving them additional visibility with a wider professional network. It is awarded by an International Jury, appointed for three years and then renewed, which examines the applications submitted by the Association’s Member Cities.

An International Jury

The International Jury was chaired by Mr YOOK DONG HAN, Mayor of Chuncheon (South Korea) and comprised Ms Julie DUFOUR, Mayor of Saguenay (Quebec – Canada), Luk de BRUYKER (City of Ghent – Belgium), Stanislas DOUBRAVA (City of Liberec – Czech Republic), Dadi PUDUMJEE (Honorary President of UNIMA – India).

Photo credits: ©TOPIC