El 17º Festival Internacional de Marionetas Mobarak tendrá lugar, en Teherán, del 23 al 29 de Agosto 2018. Contará con dos secciones principales: Al interior y al aire libre
Si desean participar a este evento, proponiendo un espectáculo, rellenen el formulario y envíenlo junto con todos los documentos necesarios, antes del día 1 de Diciembre 2017.
Contacto: fest@tehranmobarak.com
Websitio: http://www.tehranmobarak.com
We are Puppeteers in northern India, basically from Rajasthan of India and Puppetry is our passion because we love puppetry. We earn livelihood by the puppetry arts form. In these days, string puppetry is going to be lost, due no encouragement at the level of government agencies or no interest of peoples in puppetry form.