Las ‘I Jornadas Internacionales del Títere: herramienta social para la Salud y la Educación’ se celebrarán en septiembre de 2019 en el Teatro Valle-Inclán de Madrid.
Estas jornadas pretenden dar visibilidad al trabajo con títeres y sus diferentes aplicaciones pioneras a nivel social, educativo, clínico y artístico.
Del 12 al 14 de septiembre, y bajo el título ‘Sana, Sana’ las jornadas contarán con interesantes ponencias y mesas redondas a cargo de prestigiosos profesionales de varios países.
Consulta aquí el programa completo:
Inscripción hasta el 10 de septiembre:
I will attend the ECArTE conferene in Madrid 12-14 of September. Is there any workshop before or after the Puppet conference that I could attend?
As we all know that Indian culture and traditions are so unique and oldest in the history of humans.
India is the land of different religion,caste, Creed, languages and the talent.,no need to say this that Asian culture of India is still progressive and following the concept of वासुदेवय कटुम्बक »’whole world is a family»’.
We are so agar to perform one of the Ancient puppet Art of Indian named ‘Kathputli’ which means ‘Kath’ refers to the wooden and ‘Putli’ refers to the things made up of it. It is an art which is in India from the civilization like Indus valley civilization was used for the means for the entertainment and in the medieval period it is considering as the important means for making brain washing art and at the same time to teach a historical event, also making people aware about social issues in the freedom struggle of India from the Britishers. But now a days due to emerging of mass media and advance communication this unique art is considered about to extinct.
We are making our people aware and using the youth as a manpower so that young generation will remain connected from this art without forgetting its importance and glory. We are performing from last 5 years in »»»Thailand Harmony World Puppet Festival»»’ & Phuket Harmony World Puppet Festival»»’
So now this time with a lot of experience we want to get a chance to perform this endangered puppet Art of India on the world largest puppet stage.
Waiting for your positive response.
Cont email:
Que maravilla!!! Gracias
Es muy interesante . Mi experiencia con niños oncológicos y mi valija de cuentos y titeres fue intensa y muy importante en mi carrera docente
Buenos dias. Deseo saber si la jornada tiene unr coste y como serian las condiciones para los que estamos fuera de Madrid en relación a alojamiento y alimentación. Gracias
Hay alguna posibilidad de seguirlo on line??
Bravo! Congratulations to the organizers, artists and pedagogues. We just finished a big international conference in Brasil with participants from over 20 countries from different cultural regions of the world! We, puppeteers are bringing the world together!
Irina Niculescu
Artistic Director, pedagogue
UNIMA Training Commission