28/09/2018 - 03/10/2018
Todo el día
Chuncheon Puppet Theatre
El Festival de Títeres de Chuncheon se llevará a cabo desde el viernes 28 de septiembre hasta el miércoles 3 de octubre de 2018 en el Teatro de Marionetas de Chuncheon y en la calles colindantes. El festival, organizado por una compañía de marionetas, celebró su primera edición en 1989. Ha crecido constantemente, siendo en la actualidad el festival de marionetas más famoso de Corea.
En 2018 celebra su 30 aniversario, con un desfile inaugural especial y una conferencia internacional, esperando contar con invitados oficiales tanto nacionales como extranjeros, programas originales de grupos profesionales y aficionados, y diversas actividades.
El festival proporcionará alojamiento y comidas a profesionales internacionales que visitarán el festival. Más información para profesionales: cocobau89@hanmail.net
J’aimerais bien revenir vous voir. J’en garde un merveilleux souvenir. Bises Astrid
Call for the 14th Mariwan International Street Theater Festival(Street theater and other modes of Performances)
Organizers: Department of Culture and Islamic Guidance of Kurdistan Province, Department of the Dramatic Arts, Iranian Dramatic Arts Society, Kurdistan Dramatic Arts Association, Street Theater
The theme of the festival is free
Themes Emphasized:- Consensus and social cohesion, Promoting social vitality and spirits of hope, Issues of Citizenship and Urban Problems, Environment, Natural Resources and National Wealth (with emphasis on preserving forests), Promoting religious art and teaching value concepts and identifying talents with an emphasis on the life and soul of the Prophet (PBUH), Promoting a culture of peace and friendship and mutual respect among nations, Awareness and knowledge about social harm caused by addiction, unemployment, divorce and efforts to prevent these injuries.
The International Theater Competition:
The festival secretariat selects and invites works from other countries in the world for this section. The works which produced on the basis of modern street theater techniques that deal with human themes such as peace and friendship among nations and the defense of the oppressed are our first proirity. The section will be held in a competitive mode, and the Iranian dramatic groups can introduce their works to the secretariat in order to participate in this section. Only and at last 3 Iranian works could take part in this section.
The festival’s secretariat, with the goal of promoting the scientific base of the theater of the country, organizes outdoor theater workshops with both native and foreign professors participating.
Those who are in favor of holding workshops are highly welcomed. Further information about the workshops is given by the secretariat.
[3/30, 02:38] Aram P: Festival Timeline
Festival: August 23rd – 27th . 2019
Address:postal code: 6671743173,
Permanent Secretariat of Mariwan Street Theatre Festival, Art and Cultural Office of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Imam Khomeini Blvd. , Mariwan, Kurdistan.
Phone: 08734593625_08734601154
Fax: 08734593626 _ 08734601155
Email address : mariwan.festival@gmail.com
Festival website: http://Www.Mariwanfestival.com
Iran Theater website: www. Theater.ir