Union Internationale de la Marionnette

ONG - Partenaire officiel de l'Unesco

Textes contemporaines


Amaral , Ana Maria (Brésil)

Palomares is a Spain small rural and fishing village situated at the border of the Mediterranean. In 1966 a U.S. Air Command B-52 nuclear bomber had collided with the huge KC-135 refuelling it at 30.000 feet. Four H-bombs had fallen over the sea and into the earth ground. From that occurrence on started a series of tragic events to the people. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Palomares was the third victim of the atomic age. And although 265 acres of radioactive soil were removed to the Savannah (Georgia, USA) Nuclear Cemetery to be cleaned up and afterwords were declared to be immune of any radioactivity, then sent back to the population, life in Palomares was never again the same. The aim of the play is not only to document a real fact but also to show how ecological devastation can affect mankind. The show presents with touching emotions how the people daily happy life could be suddenly turned down, almost reaching its extinction. Under a moving soundtrack, the puppeteers masterly manipulated an enormous amount.